51125 - Bachelor Geophysics

University of Calgary, Calgary, Canadá

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University of Calgary

Calgary - Canadá

Acerca de la Universidad

The University of Calgary, established in 1966, is a public research university located in Calgary, Canada. Academically, many graduate and undergraduate degree programs are offered across varied fields of study. Furthermore, a great deal of facilities and services are provided to all students, including; student services, IT & computing services, health services, counseling services, housing services, safety & security services, athletic & recreation facilities and more. Beyond educational matters, students at the university of Calgary have the opportunity to get involved in campus life as a way to learn more about themselves, build connections and friendships that will last a lifetime by t

aking part in one/more of the student clubs and activities. Study at the University of Calgary and lead your way towards a bright, transformed future.

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Ubicación de la universidad

Calgary, una ciudad cosmopolita de Alberta con varios rascacielos y una economía en rápida expansión ya que es el centro de la industria petrolera canadiense. Mantiene sus raíces en la cultura occidental, conocida como "Cow Town". La Estampida de Calgary, un rodeo y festival masivo, se celebra todos los años en julio. Calgary te sorprenderá con su belleza, sus restaurantes geniales, su vida nocturna más allá de Honky-Tonk y su larga y valiosa lista de cosas por hacer. Los locales son conocidos p

or su generosidad y por organizar con éxito los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de 1988 y elegir al primer alcalde musulmán de América del Norte. Los sitios populares incluyen el Zoológico de Calgary, el Parque Provincial de los Dinosaurios, la Torre de Calgary y el Heritage Park Historical Village.

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Carreras disponibles (113)

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