73921 - Bachelor Genetics

University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth, Australia

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Acerca de la Universidad

The University of Western Australia was established in 1911 as the first free university in the British Empire, promoting equal access to education for all social classes. Today, more than a hundred years later, the university is home to nine different faculties and schools and has entered the internationally recognized Academic Ranking of World Universities' Top 100 listing. It started off with just 184 students enrolled in the university, a number that today has grown to reach over 24,000. A legacy of a century worth of achievements truly sets UWA apart from the competition, and has earned it a place on the world stage of higher education. From its extensive art collections and theater ve

nues to its wealth of sporting, cultural, alumni and social groups, the University is a leading intellectual and creative resource to the communities it serves. UWA’s distinctive mix of heritage architecture and contemporary buildings contain state-of-the-art teaching and research spaces, lecture and performance theaters, tutorial facilities, studios and subject-specific laboratories, all coming together to create the perfect learning environment.

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Ubicación de la universidad

Perth es la ciudad más grande y la capital del estado de Australia Occidental, que se encuentra en una estrecha franja entre el Océano Índico y el Darling Scarp llamado Swan Coastal Plain. Sentado donde el río Swan se encuentra con la costa suroeste, Perth está bordeado de playas de arena, verdes parques y jardines botánicos en el lado de la montaña Eliza. La ciudad sofisticada y cosmopolita alberga una gran cantidad de bares, restaurantes y actividades culturales que compiten por la atención. E

l centro cultural de Perth alberga las compañías estatales de ballet y ópera, e incluye un teatro, galerías de arte y el Museo de Australia Occidental. Kings Park es un lugar frecuentado a menudo en la ciudad, como el Perth Zoo y el Aquarium of Western Australia.

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Carreras disponibles (129)

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