84961 - Bachelor Chemical Engineering

Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canadá

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Dalhousie University

Halifax - Canadá

Acerca de la Universidad

Dalhousie University (Dal) is a public research university in Nova Scotia, Canada. It has three campuses in Halifax, a fourth in Bible Hill, and medical teaching facilities in Saint John, New Brunswick. Dalhousie university offers more than 4,000 courses and 180-degree programs in twelve undergraduate, graduate, and professional faculties. However, the university has combined the prestige of a big-name university with a hands-on, collaborative education where all students have access to experiential learning opportunities in their programs with 87% taking advantage of them. “Our focus on academic innovation means we are committed to the continuous development of our programs and courses, how

they are designed, and how we deliver them.” Among the efforts made by the Dalhousie Student Union (DSU) Council, Dalhousie students have created and participated in over 320 clubs and societies. Including a group of students in the Faculty of Management who group together to enhance the experience of students in that faculty by hosting events, providing assistance and giving back.

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Ubicación de la universidad

Halifax es la capital de la provincia de Nueva Escocia, Canadá. La ciudad ofrece una calidad de vida fantástica, con brisas marinas, aire puro, parques frondosos y cuidados, y jardines enclavados entre edificios patrimoniales. El núcleo urbano de Halifax alberga varios edificios regionales emblemáticos. La fortaleza de Citadel Hill con su emblemática Halifax Clock Tower domina el centro de la ciudad, mientras que el extremo sur de la ciudad es famoso por sus grandes casas victorianas. La ciudad

abarca una próspera escena de arte, teatro y cultura culinaria, numerosos pubs, una cultura artesanal y una música increíble. Si deseas pasear por el paseo marítimo histórico, visitar un museo o disfrutar de una actuación, Halifax tiene algo de atractivo para todos.

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Carreras disponibles (158)

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